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'When times like this happen you look to your beliefs and faith and you remember that
the best part of him is safe and sound all around you and you take comfort from that.

"There will come a day when the tears of sorrow will softly flow into tears of remembrance...and your heart will begin to heal itself...and grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy...and you will hear the whisper of hope. There will come a day when you will welcome the tears of remembrance...as a sun shower of the soul...a turning of the tide...a promise of peace. There will come a day when you will...risk loving...go on believing...and treasure the tears of remembering."

The following is drawn from a wide variety of sources and from personal experience. Some of the pages may seem to slightly conflict with each other and some are directed towards children as well as adults but please remember that grief affects people in many different ways and across the whole spectrum of ages and backgrounds. We have tried to gather together as much helpful advice and information here as possible for the largest diversity of readers.

For further information, phone numbers and advice:

Successful Grief Work Characteristics of Grief
Take Care of Yourself Asking for help

Personal expectations during grief

Helping Your Children

Grief and it's phases

How can I help myself
Strategies for coping The ABC's of Healing
Some stages of grief Common myths about grief
Physical effects of grief The Journey of Grief
Further stages of grief I can't Stop Crying
I Can't Cry at All Unique Grief
I Miss You I Have Bad Dreams
The Holidays Common grief responses
Comfort for those who mourn A word of consolation
Denial Anger Bargin Depression Acceptence After a loss or tragedy: Coping with the reminders