Always remember that you are loved.
Bad dreams help get rid of bad feelings and cannot hurt you.
Cry as much or as little as you need to.
Death is part of the cycle of life.
Eat healthy, exercise, and take good care of yourself.
Friends can be very helpful during this sad time.
Good things will happen to you again.
Have a special toy, doll or stuffed animal to hold or hug.
If you don't feel well, always tell someone.
Jumping, running, and playing can make you feel better.
Keep reminders of your loved one in a special place.
Love yourself; there is no one in the world exactly like you.
Mad feelings go away faster if you help them get out.
Never hurt yourself or anyone else.
One day you will be able to say good-bye, and you will feel better again.
Put your thoughts down on paper as often as you can.
Quiet time is a way to think about what is happening to you.
Remember that feelings keep changing all the time.
Sadness is very normal and will soften in time.
Try to draw how you feel - don't worry about how it looks.
Understand that you did not cause your loved one's death.
Visit family and friends and other people who care for you.
Wishing someone to pass cannot make it happen.
Xoxoxo is a good way to send your hugs and kisses on paper.
You will get through this time of grief.
Zest for life, which means feeling happy, will come back to you.